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Wonderful Amanita muscaria effect: How we humans can (re)connect us

Writer's picture: Mira ArnoldMira Arnold

Without realizing it and usually quite unintentionally, we have been losing more and more of our connections in recent years - or to be more precise - our connections! First and foremost to ourselves, but also to our fellow human beings and to nature. But why is this and, more importantly, can we reverse this trend? The good news first: yes, it can be done. And once again, the fly agaric is an example of what is really important.

Movies - dream worlds or possible reality?

Admittedly, at first glance it may not seem obvious how movies should bring us closer together and create more harmony in our lives. But in blockbusters and series we are often shown metaphors and symbols for life - how it once was and how it could be again...

There are films that thrill us, entertain us, make us laugh or scare us to the core. And then there are films that appeal to our innermost longings and make us realize our most fervent desires. As the credits roll, we often make a firm resolution to pay more attention to this or that in the future in order to achieve exactly the goals mentioned on the screen. But between you and me: how often has this worked for you so far?

Today we would like to take a closer look at one movie to see if there are any exemplary possibilities for us humans, namely the box office hit Avatar - Departure to Pandora, which was released in cinemas in December 2009. We are not concerned here with what was considered breathtaking image technology at the time or the frequent movie theme of good versus evil. For our pictorial example, we are concentrating on the Na'vi people, the inhabitants of a planet far from Earth in the film. They live in a close community with each other and in a wonderful symbiosis with the surrounding nature - a delicate but overwhelmingly strong network.

Connection with nature and life

The true essence of life?

In several scenes, we are impressively shown how harmonious and fulfilling the lives of these human-like creatures are. With the help of their long hair and a hairy tail at the end, they connect with each other, but also with other creatures and even plants. When the community comes together, nature luminesces around them. Visually, these images remind us of an elaborate macramé work of art, tightly interwoven. But what is that supposed to tell us? 

Well, we interpret it as follows: where there is peaceful coexistence and a genuine connection to Mother Earth and her creatures, the human soul also truly blossoms! It is not for nothing that the North American Indians, like many indigenous people in other regions, wore long hair. They serve as points of contact with the vibrations and frequencies of our environment. Not figuratively, of course, as in the movie in question! But people with long hair apparently feel closer to the energies of the flora and fauna, the earth's magnetic fields etc. around us than those with short hairstyles. So hair acts like an invisible web that links everything natural together. Perhaps we modern humans could also connect us by means of the Amanita muscaria effect?

In any case, what the Na'vi show us in the movie is the lived basic trust, the knowledge that the earth gives us everything we need. And if we treat the natural world and our fellow human beings respectfully and peacefully, we will simply be fine. Admittedly, for many people this probably sounds too simplistic, kitschy or even wishful thinking. But if we go back a few thousand years in history, we realize that many peoples have oriented themselves towards this way of life rather than isolation, hostility and turning away from nature. Perhaps networking with each other and with the natural world is the way of life we were originally meant to live? In any case, there are numerous examples of very similar symbioses in forests and meadows, for example the invisible rooting of the fly agaric.

The mycelium

Do you know what the largest and probably oldest living thing on our planet is? It is a mycelium that was discovered in the Malheur National Forest in Oregon, USA. This mycelium weighs no less than 600 tons, covers an area of around 9 km2 and is estimated to be around 2,400 years old! Mycelium refers to the entirety of all fibers or cells of a bacterium or fungus. The fungus itself is therefore only "the tip of the iceberg", i.e. the visible part of this gigantic and largely microscopically fine network.

The mycelium, an incredibly strong and clever force of nature

With the help of this extremely wide and finely branched rooting, fungi communicate with their environment. However, they not only pass on information, but also water, nutrients and electrical signals. So deep in the earth there is a lively exchange of energy between the fungi and their beloved neighbors, the birches and conifers. So nature's motto is with and for each other - just like the three musketeers. Or just like the inhabitants of Pandora, who can also communicate with plants and even their ancestors without speaking. 

You could almost think that mycelia have something like intelligence in the human sense. The best example of this is an interesting story from Japan. There, engineers and architects spent years trying to find the optimal route for a planned subway line. In the end, inspired by a biologist, they were guided by a mycelium and built the tunnel by following the direction of growth of the fine network of fungi. With success, the route has been in operation for years without any problems.

The Amanita muscaria that connects us again

Can the Amanita muscaria effect connect us?

Yes, it can - at least we are firmly convinced that it can, because we have experienced it ourselves! Because the fly agaric microdosing optimizes our attitude, we refine our senses, so to say. We become more aware again of what our real purpose here on earth is: we should be grateful to nature, listen to it and learn from it. However, this only works if we engage with it and are open to this connection again - and this is exactly what fly agaric microdoses do! Incidentally, this also applies to our relationship with ourselves and our inner self. And of course it is also about human interaction. As soon as we realize that we all belong together and are basically all one, we reach out to each other again and improve our communication. We work together, experience the strength and optimism of community and move closer to a life in which we really feel completely at ease. Just as creation has designed it for us! 

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