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The positive energy booster Amanita Muscaria - what does it really do for a better life?

Writer's picture: Mira ArnoldMira Arnold

Updated: May 30, 2024

Positivity is one of the most important pillars of a happy life. But where can you find it when you don't feel like smiling, singing and dancing at all? Shannon is bubbling over with good humor in our interview when she shares her great observations with the positive energy booster Amanita Muscaria! 

Contagious good mood

Do you know that too? There are people who go through life in such an incredibly good mood that they simply infect you. Even complete strangers can put a smile on our faces because they simply radiate so much positive energy! 

That's how I feel about my interview partner Shannon: She has a glow about her that I can't help but notice. And the enthusiasm she conveys when she talks about her short but very varied experiences with the fly agaric almost knocked me off my feet.  

Next level meditation

Shannon can confidently be described as a healthy and sporty woman: She watches her diet, exercises and likes to meditate once or twice a day. She emphasizes that mental hygiene is just as important as physical hygiene! What she experienced while meditating during the fly agaric microdosing, however, is truly impressive. "It was as if Amanita Muscaria was inviting me to share in its wisdom!" she says. Every question she consciously asked herself was answered as if automatically. And she was a thousand percent sure that she was being shown the best possible solution for her particular train of thought.

Wow - that would be something if you no longer had to endlessly deal with the countless annoying everyday questions because there is something that shows you solution-oriented answers! 

The medicinal mushroom also gave Shannon, who was already active, an energy boost that she hadn't expected: She felt the need for order.

Sort your life - sort yourself

During her meditations with Amanita muscaria microdosing and afterwards, Shannon felt the urge to organize her thoughts and supported this inner process by bringing order to the outside. She tidied the closets, folded everything according to a certain system and sorted it by color. Then she moved on to the bookshelves and the rest of the apartment until she was completely satisfied.

Before using the positive energy booster Amanita Muscaria, she would have liked to put things like this off, says Shannon, but now it was suddenly important to her to get them done straight away. And it has contributed greatly to her feeling of inner order.

You are what you eat  

However, the powerful healer's multifaceted mode of action didn't stop after it had already provided Shannon with some valuable services. Within just three days, she noticed that an old yoga injury no longer hurt at all. As she wasn't taking any medication, she must have had the toadstools to thank for this.

I also find it very interesting how Amanita Muscaria took Shannon by the hand when she went shopping. During a trip to America, her inner child and the "want-to-have" effect suddenly came through in every supermarket. So many flavors and colorfully presented foods! She almost wanted to reach for it, but the toadstool intervened: Do you really want this now? Is this what your body needs? Or do you just want to buy it because the packaging looks so pretty? Think again...

Incidentally, I can confirm this experience 100%. My diet has also changed quite a bit since I started microdosing. For example, I feel the urge to eat more fruit and of course I listen to that. It does me good! I can clearly feel how my health has improved in the last few months, even though I wasn't ill before!

You, me, us & Positive Energy booster Amanita Muscaria

Shannon's view of our newfound or strengthened connection - with ourselves, with the mushroom and with each other - is particularly inspiring! Much like the connection that Amanita Muscaria makes in its forest locations. This connection between the mushrooms and their preferred neighboring trees is formed by mycelia, a rather large and widely ramified fine network of roots. 

This connection can be transferred to us humans very well. On the one hand, the fungus creates a better connection to our inner self and to what we really want and need. And secondly, we feel a much stronger connection to our fellow human beings. After all, we are all one in the end!

In a new blog article, we will soon reveal everything else about these fascinating mycelia and the incredible abilities they possess.

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